Car Keys&Chips

Car Key Blanks ( car transponder key, car remote key, car smart key)
uobdii provide all kinds of fun car keys blanks including car transponder key, car remote key, car smart key, which can work with Toyota, Benz, BMW,AUDI and other global-brand cars. And they are compatible with key programming tool such as AD900, SBB, and zed-bull and so on.

Transponder keys definition
Transponder keys are factory-made accessories that come with a car and provide for radio transmission between the car and the key. This radio transmission allows for a key to be programmed to only start a specific, individual car.

A transponder key blank definition
A transponder key blank, which has not been programmed, can crank a car. It can take more than 30 minutes for the car key transponder to align itself with the system of the car, as the electronics within the car reset.

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