Carrier TRU-Tech and TRU-View V01.13.00+License keys
License levels:
TRU-Tech & TRU-View (Dealer Version)"
"TRU-Tech & TRU-View (Lite Version)"
"TRU-Tech & TRU-View (Engineering Version)"
"TRU-Tech & TRU-View (Supra S PDI Version)"
Languges: English,Spanish,French,Russian
The TRU-Tech & TRU- View program enables the user to do the following:
Monitor data using the window Monitor Reefer Live in real-time via USB/RS-232 port, the current status of the microprocessor inputs, outputs, refrigeration sensors, electrical sensors, engine sen-sors, alarms, and temperature sensors.
Log (record) sensor data to a file for diagnostic purposes using the window Monitor Reefer Live.
Download Advance and Summit data via Serial/USB port communications, APX (Zenith) Controller download (USB port only) & online download using CAN bus in the option Download Live.
Download the data using the options: All Data, Since Last Download Event, Last 30 days, By Trip & By Date.
Display, Edit and Send Unit Model Number, Serial Number and Trailer ID to the respective micro-processors using the option Set Micro Information.
Display, edit and Send Functional Parameters and Configuration Settings to the microprocessors and data recorders using the option Reefer Setup Live.
Set the date and time in the Real Time Clock used in the Data Recorder using the option Set Date/Time.
Read and write Hour Meter values using the option Set New Micro Hours.
Support Download, Configuration, and Program PC Card /USB operations.
Customize Advance & APX (Zenith) Micro display messaging.
Provide a security logon system controlled by a System Administrator
The TRU-View program enables the user to do the following:
Read *.DCX, *.ZDX and *.ZAX download files from Advance and APX (Zenith) Microcontrollers.
Create various customized reports that include set point, sensors, and events.
Create various customized graphical reports.
Print numerical, graphical, and event reports.
View and print refrigeration system settings
Filter download data by date range and sensors/events
Search for a Sensor or Event of Interest.
Synchronize multiple graphical and numerical windows to better understand historical operation.
PC Setup enables the user to select how to display various parameters for use in the graph and text window. For example, the user can select to see temperatures in either °F or °C; Pressure in psig, bars, or kPa, and dates in either mm/dd/yyyy format, or dd/mm/yyyy format.
Easily adjust X and Y axis and color scheme to accommodate various data.
Export data to a spreadsheet friendly format such as MS Excel, PDF.